Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A new type of book sale

Do you have old library material that just sits around and you want to sell it?
I just found a new (new to me anyway) way to sell library material.
Last week I ordered a book on ebay. It's one that I renewed twice and haven't had the time to finish it so I decided to buy it. I really like it and after I'm done - I'll either donate it to a library or something.
My book arrived yesterday in the mail. It came covered. I was totally shocked. Who covers books besides libraries? No one! LOL.
This was a discard from the New York Public Library - Port Richmond Branch.
My book came with a great note about a company that sells books for libraries and then cuts the library a check for the items that they sell.
I just thought this was great!
The name of the company is - B-Logistics out of Denver.
Check them out at:

And please let me know if you already use this service or if you decide to start.

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