Monday, February 23, 2009


The Executive Council met at Manlius Library on Friday, February 20, 2009. It was a short meeting and we stuffed the envelopes with the Conference Brochure, NYSLAA Directory, Network Connection Newsletter and either a membership renewal reminder or your 2009 Membership Card and letter. If you haven't renewed, get that in to Donna Hanna so you continue to get your mailings and get the member rate for the conference. We wish to thank Peter Kuhner, Donna Kuhner's husband, for his help with the envelopes.
Ruth Oberg will have the 2009 Conference Brochure online soon, but keep your eyes out for your personal copy that was put in delivery or the mail today. This year's conference has an excellent program and we are looking forward to seeing everyone in Troy in June.
Please note that the newsletter has an article requesting nominations for the Craig Koste Award and the Ray Murray Award. Maybe there is someone in your library who is deserving.
Our next Executive Council Meeting will be April 24, 2009 with the location to be announced, but you can be sure it will be in the Syracuse area as a central location for the Executive Council Members. Join us if you are able, it is helpful if we know you are coming, so we request a large enough room.
Coleen Hopkins
NYSLAA Recording Secretary
Network Connection Editor

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