Friday, June 13, 2008

Allen & Susie won!!

Each year at the NYSLAA conference there is something called 'The Lottery Tree'.
The Lottery tree is an artificial tree that has many many NYS scratch off lottery tickets on it. The tree is one of many items that are raffled off each year. Local businesses and friends of NYSLAA create baskets of goodies to be raffled off. The processed go back to NYSLAA for next years conference.
Each attendee of the NYSLAA conference can bring in a new NYS lottery ticket for exchange for a raffle ticket. Raffle tickets are normally $1 for 1 or 6 for $5. This year PLS had two winners.
Susie Flick from Geneva Public Library one a LARGE kitchen basket and Allen Tompkins from Newark, Sodus and Red Creek Libraries won the 'Lottery Tree'.
Allen had 237 tickets to scratch off from all of these tickets he won $266 dollars and 11 chances for Take 5. Congratulations to both Susie & Allen!!

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