Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Grace Urban Ministries

Twice a year the RRLC Library Assistants Group takes up a collection of items that are needed at Grace Urban Ministries. Grace Urban Ministries is an non profit organization that helps woman and children who are at risk. Jennifer Wolfley is the director and does an amazing job. To read an article that Jennifer has written, please click on this link - Tribute.
The following items are being collected from April 1 - 30, 2009.
Laundry detergent
Baby Wipes
Shaving Cream
Small play items for 2 - 4 yr. old children
Personal Care items
Make up
They can be used items. You more than welcome to donate shampoo or other items that are partially used.

I will have a box at PLS-HQ at my desk. If you wish to make a donation, please bring it in and put in the box. I'm asking that you don't use delivery for this donation. Our delivery vans are already over full with library materials.
I will also have a box in the meeting room. If you are coming to the System Meeting next week, it would be a great time to drop things off.

Any questions, please let me know.

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