Tuesday, January 13, 2009

OWWLug - Friday, Jan. 30th

OWWLUG Meeting

Friday, 1/30/2009


PLS HQ Meeting Room

Lindsay will be demonstrating the basics of the OverDrive / OWWL2Go service: searching for books, adding to your cart, downloading; general information about the different types of e-audio / e-book files, online help resources, etc.

Please submit additional agenda items to Lindsay Stratton (lstratton@pls-net.org or 585-394-8260).

Thanks to HPL for signing up for January snacks and WIL for taking on May! We still need volunteers for March, July, September, and December. The signup list (and index of meeting agendas/notes) is available at: http://plum.pls-net.org/twiki/bin/view/OWWL/Meetings/OwwlugIndex.

You can sign up directly in the PLUM table, just click the “sign up!” button immediately below the table.

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