Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Contact Albany now!

The Governor will be giving his State of the State Address today and the state Legislature is in Session to elect its leadership. Senator Malcolm Smith (D-Queens) is expected to be the next Senate Majority Leader, marking the first time in 40 years the Democrats will be in control of the state Senate. Speaker Sheldon Silver will leader of the Assembly Majority.
As you know, the proposed 2009-10 Executive Budget includes an $18 million or 18% cut in Library Aid on top of the cuts imposed in April and August of 2008. This would reduce Library Aid to $80.5 million - a level not seen since 1993.
I therefore urge you to visit our website at and click on the Contact Your Elected Officials icon to send a fax or email to your state legislators and the Governor protesting this draconian cut in Library Aid.
Libraries are willing to do their fair share in addressing the state's fiscal crisis and we have done our part already, twice in 2008, but now it is time for others to do their fair share, before asking the library community to do more.
So please right now, today, while the Legislature is in Albany, send a fax/email through our Online Advocacy Center. Thanks again for your support.

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