Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Your voice is needed

From PLS list serv - Jennifer Morris

Hello all,
as I mentioned at the Annual Dinner and again at the System meeting,
NYLA is planning a Rally in Albany for Tues. Nov. 18 at 1pm. This is the
day the Legislature is being called in for a special session which may
result in even further budget cuts. Right now the powers-that-be in
Albany are sitting on $26 million in library aid! That's OUR money and
we desperately need it. And we certainly don't want any further cuts.

So -- I am looking for volunteers to spend a day on the Thruway :-)
and an hour or so in Albany. We need to have at least 250 people from
around the state in order to make a satisfactory noise and impression.
There will be at least 10 of us from PLS including some trustees, but we
need more people!

At this point I think we will carpool rather than get a bus. We would
need to leave the Cdga area around 9:30 a.m. and could probably be back
between 5-6 pm.

I know it's asking a lot to take a day out of your hectic schedule,
but we can make a powerful statement to the Legislature by showing up!


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