Friday, October 31, 2008


Help needed!
I know I know........I'm asking alot here but - Libraries across New York State need your help.

I would like to see a whole car load of Library Assistants (AKA Support staff, clerk, ect..) go to this rally. No bus ride so we aren't 'Stuck' in Albany until everyone is back on the bus. We leave as soon as the rally is done and our car is loaded.

Here is how you can help.
NYLA is planning a Rally in Albany for Tues. Nov. 18 at 1pm. This is the
day the Legislature is being called in for a special session which may
result in even further budget cuts. Right now the powers-that-be in
Albany are sitting on $26 million in library aid! That's OUR money and
we desperately need it. And we certainly don't want any further cuts.

So -- I am looking for volunteers to spend a day on the Thruway :-)
and an hour or so in Albany. We need to have at least 250 people from
around the state in order to make a satisfactory noise and impression.

We would need to leave the Canandaigua area around 9:30 a.m. and could probably be back
between 5-6 pm.

Please email me me at is this is something can help with.
It's a matter of the amount of people. You won't need to get up and talk to anyone.

Please help!

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