A blog for Library Assistants of the Pioneer Library System. Meeting information - conference information and More!
Friday, October 31, 2008
I know I know........I'm asking alot here but - Libraries across New York State need your help.
I would like to see a whole car load of Library Assistants (AKA Support staff, clerk, ect..) go to this rally. No bus ride so we aren't 'Stuck' in Albany until everyone is back on the bus. We leave as soon as the rally is done and our car is loaded.
Here is how you can help.
NYLA is planning a Rally in Albany for Tues. Nov. 18 at 1pm. This is the
day the Legislature is being called in for a special session which may
result in even further budget cuts. Right now the powers-that-be in
Albany are sitting on $26 million in library aid! That's OUR money and
we desperately need it. And we certainly don't want any further cuts.
So -- I am looking for volunteers to spend a day on the Thruway :-)
and an hour or so in Albany. We need to have at least 250 people from
around the state in order to make a satisfactory noise and impression.
We would need to leave the Canandaigua area around 9:30 a.m. and could probably be back
between 5-6 pm.
Please email me me at hjensen@pls-net.org is this is something can help with.
It's a matter of the amount of people. You won't need to get up and talk to anyone.
Please help!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Confussion about bags
I have been reading the survey results and someone thought her co-worker who attended the workshop didn't receive a bag. We wanted EVERYONE to get a bag.
We had two different bags available.
If you were one of the first 25 people signed up to attend, you received something extra in your bag. Those bags were identify with a blue ribbon. Other wise, you should have received a bag without a ribbon.
Thank you!
I'm attaching a picture of the bags.
Fall Support Staff workshop - summary
October 24th, 2008, was the 4th annual Pioneer Library System Fall Support Staff Workshop. This is a unique workshop for the Pioneer Library System in the fact that it’s run by, and for, Support Staff only.
This workshop was started after I attended my first NYSLAA conference in
This year we offered 3 different programs in our workshop. We started the day by having Melissa Correia, Librarian from the Geneva Public Library, speak to us about a data base called ‘NoveList’. NoveList is a reader’s advisory database. She taught everyone how to help their patrons to find what to read next. After a quick break, we had Chris Kovar, from a non-profit organization called ‘Whole Me, Inc’, speak to everyone about Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing patrons. I first heard Chris speak at the 2008 NYSLAA conference in
Our last workshop was about Blogging and was presented by Linsday Stratton, Trainer from the Pioneer Library System. This workshop was held during lunch. Attendees learned what is important in a blog and how simple it is to create a blog for their library.
This year, each attendee received a bag from Baker & Taylor, filled with different information about NYSLAA, NYLA, ALA, Rochester Regional Library Council – Library Assistants Group, Bookmarks from Gaylord ~ Highsmith ~ Associates and NYLA, pen & post it notes from Vernon Library Supplies, and magazines from Library Journal and Archival. After signing into the workshop, they received a packet of information containing the agenda, blogs and websites of local interests, a list of other workshops available in the
We also had several very special donations.
Thank you to everyone who attended!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Your voice is needed
Hello all,
as I mentioned at the Annual Dinner and again at the System meeting,
NYLA is planning a Rally in Albany for Tues. Nov. 18 at 1pm. This is the
day the Legislature is being called in for a special session which may
result in even further budget cuts. Right now the powers-that-be in
Albany are sitting on $26 million in library aid! That's OUR money and
we desperately need it. And we certainly don't want any further cuts.
So -- I am looking for volunteers to spend a day on the Thruway :-)
and an hour or so in Albany. We need to have at least 250 people from
around the state in order to make a satisfactory noise and impression.
There will be at least 10 of us from PLS including some trustees, but we
need more people!
At this point I think we will carpool rather than get a bus. We would
need to leave the Cdga area around 9:30 a.m. and could probably be back
between 5-6 pm.
I know it's asking a lot to take a day out of your hectic schedule,
but we can make a powerful statement to the Legislature by showing up!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Basket fundraiser
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tip # 9 & 10
Tips 9 & 10 (the last of the tips)
Tip #9
Vary tasks. Change your tasks every hour or two. For example if you are working on a spreadsheet change after a couple of hours to answering emails or to working in a word document. Consider interspersing non-computer tasks such as filing, copying, phone calls, etc. In this way you will vary movements in your body and avoid repetitive motions over a long period of time.
Tip #10
Check your posture. It is very common for those who work at computers to round their back, roll their shoulders forward, bend their elbows out to the sides and extend their neck forward. These positions will lead to injury. The more time spent in these positions – the greater the chance of injury. Be sure to sit up straight with your torso right over your hips – keep your head neck and spine in one line. Lift your collar bones and broaden through your chest. Put a sticky note on you computer to remind yourself to check your posture every 30 minutes.
The count is growning!
The PLS Fall Support Staff Workshop attendance count is growing. We are up to 49 registered attendees. My goal this year is 55! So........if you know anyone who hasn't signed up and should....send them my way!
Again this year, each attendee will receive a bag of goodies.
See you all next Friday!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Practical uses for Director's Station
An example of just one of the task it can perform is located in this weeks PLS notes. (October 6th, 2008)
This was written by Lindsay Stratton from PLS -
If you have any questions for concerns regarding Director's Station, please feel free to write Lindsay an email (lstratton@pls-net.org)
If you don't have the opportunity to read PLS notes, send me an email (hjensen@pls-net.org) and I'll put one in delivery for you.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Storytelling Day!
Storytelling. It includes a free session for children, followed by
fee-based activities: lunch with storytellers, workshops, tea and dinner.
See attached poster.
Contact the Newark Public Library at 315-331-4370 for registration