Friday, May 30, 2008

Holding Maintenance Training

PLS held a Holdings Maintenance Training workshop today. We had a great turnout of 24 people. Everyone seemed very pleased with the class. We are sorry that we didn't get through all the information but Lindsay is working on 'Part 2' and will soon have that class date and time posted. I will post that information to this blog as well.
Lindsay asked if people would be interested in a 'Searching OWWL workshop' - Most (if not all) attendees thought it was a good idea, so be looking for a 'Searching' workshop to be scheduled soon as well.
If you have suggestions for workshop and/or training ideas. Please send them to Lindsay at

Great video on YouTube

Posted on the NYSLAA list-serv today was a link to a funny library video on YouTube.
It's very cute especially after the Holdings Maintenance training class today.
Copy and past the URL below.
Check it out at:

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Save the Date!! PLS Fall Support Staff Workshop

Mark your calendar! Save the Date!
The annual PLS Fall Support Staff workshop is scheduled for Friday, October 24, 2008.
This is a workshop run by support staff for support staff. Please vote for the two topics you would like to see presented. Hope to see atleast one support staff member from each library attending this year!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Coming up soon! NYSLAA conference 2008

Coming up very soon is the 2008 NYSLAA conference.
NYSLAA is the New York State Library Assistants' Association.
This year's conference is being held in Liverpool, NY - June 4 -6th and hosted by the Liverpool Public Library. Chairperson is Dorothy Morgan. Dorothy is an active member of the Library Support Staff roundtable within ALA.

This year's conference title is- Library Assistants Salt of the Earth. Many valuable workshops are being offered. This should be another year filled with great information for Library Assistants from across New York State to learn and help improve there knowledge in the Library field.

More information - and pictures will be posted after the conference.

Fall 2007 workshop

The fall 2007 Library Assistant workshop was held on Friday, October 25th. This is a unique workshop. This workshop is run by support staff for support staff. 54 people from 22 different library were in attendance. Two different topics were covered at this meeting. A presentation was done by Wendy Freier from Geneva Public Library. Her presentation was about Reference support. Wendy talked about the different resources that were available to member libraries. Our second presentation was done by Jay Robinson from the Canandaigua Wegmans. Jay talked about the importance of good customer service. Both presentations were well received by everyone in attendance.
Each attendee also received some goodies. The following was given to each person ~ Vernon Library Supplies provided a pill dispenser, Highsmith provided bookmarks, and PLS supplied paper and pen. Each attendee also received information about NYSLAA, PLS Books Plus kits as well as some chocolate!
After the workshops were completed, a lunch was made available for purchase. 13 people stayed and enjoyed lunch and the opportunity to network with each other.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Welcome Spring!

Welcome to Spring time~

I'll be adding to this blog as much as possible.
Please check back as often as you can.