I came across this during one of our moves in the office.
It's a radio spot announcement from 1967. Yes, I did type that correct - 1967!
Check it out - it's amazing how far libraries have come in 42 years!!!
"Today I have something special for all of you who are still in your teens. All the keen teens are asking for the Seventeen Book of Etiquette and Entertaining at their public library. As a girl, do you know how to refuse a boy a date so he'll ask again? Are there certain mannerisms that annoy boys? And who thanks whom for a date? Remember a smart girl has to cultivate the art of saying no. The Seventeen Book of Etiquette has many helpful hints to help you get along successfully in a job, too. There's just everything about parties, food, fun, games, table settings, what to say from the first invitation to the last good bye. Ask your librarian to let you borrow the Seventeen Book of Etiquette. Now fellows, don't go away, you haven't been left out of this. There is a very handy book entitled Plain Talk for Men Under 21. If you think that clothes make the man, you're right, and Plain Talk shows you how to go about selecting them. Plain Talk has advice on how to choose a gift for a girl, how to get a date and how to treat her, how to manage a big production date for that special occasion. Plain Talk also talks about getting a job, going to college, and getting married. Race over to your public library and ask the librarian to get Plain Talk for Men under 21 for you."
1 comment:
I am not sure if I should admit this, as a strong proponent of weeding and all, or not... but...well...um... I actually own the Seventeen Book of Etiquette and Entertaining. Because it is important for a girl to know how to play hard to get!
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