Monday, September 28, 2009

NYSLAA list serv

I'm not sure how many of you are NYSLAA (New York State Library Assistants' Assocation) members, or if you are, how many of you subscribe to the NYSLAA list serv.
The past week as been a very active week on the NYSLAA list serv.
The discussion has been about getting new people to run for office.
An organization is only as good as the people who are running it.
It's been a very lively group to listen to. People are very passionate about NYSLAA.
A suggestion was made to have virtual meetings. This would make it easier for the members of the Executive council to attend meetings. Or atleast that is someone of the members thoughts.

Anyone who is a member of NYSLAA can be nominated for a council seat.
If you are interested in running for office, please let me know.
Nominations are due soon!

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