Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Volunteers needed

Library Volunteers Needed!

The Education Committee of the Italian American Community Center is
seeking volunteers to help set up its new library! The library has a
beautiful new space - complete with lots of windows - on the second
floor of the Community Center building on Manitou Road in Gates.

The collection consists mainly of books, many of them written in
Italian. The books are currently arranged on the shelves in broad
categories, such as Biography, Travel, Music, Art, History,
Architecture, Science, Sports, Culture, Fiction, Children's Books, and
Young Adult Books.

The skills of a librarian are needed to catalog the items, assign call
numbers, and develop a database of the library's collection. The group
would also welcome a librarian's help in determining which of the many
web-based software solutions would be the best choice for a library
management system (OPAC, circulation) for this small, specialized

In developing this new special library, the Education Committee is
committed to:

Developing the community's awareness of the Italian American experience
and culture
Having a functioning library in the Italian American Community Center
available to members and to the public
Serving as a resource for educators
Serving as a forum for the development of Italian language skills

If you are interested in using your library skills to help organize and
catalog this new collection, please contact Joe Aleo by phone at
585-254-2020, x1038
or by email at friar@rochester.rr.com.

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