Tuesday, May 3, 2011

PLS was mentioned

There is an article in Library Journal (April 1st) titled: The new frontier. The article is about where library ILS systems are headed. There is a section about Open Source vs. proprietary ILS systems. PLS is mentioned as a "major library system".
Check out the article in Library Journal, April 1, 2011.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Virtual Library Cards

There is a great (yet small) article in the Library Journal April 2011 issue about Libraries starting to accept virtual library cards.

From the 'News Desk"

Smartphone apps such as CardStar and KeyRing allow consumers to load onto their mobile devices all the plastic rewards cards dangling from their key chains, and more of these consumers are now using the same apps to load their library cards onto their phones.

This is presenting a growing challenge for the circulation desk, as library workers have to decide whether library policy acknowledges the virtual card and also whether a scanner can read it.

At Sacramento Public Library’s, CA, 28 branches, smartphone apps have been used only about 40 to 50 times to check out materials, but the library changed its circulation manual in October to make clear that “these are to be accepted as valid library cards.” The readers in Sacramento can scan the cards, and they work with most of the self-check machines, too.

“I think initially there was some concern about security, but we decided as an institution that...we wanted to make policy based on positive intent rather than expecting the worst,” Manya Shorr, the Central Library supervisor, told LJ.

Remembering our Troops with books!

Please remember our troops .....


Does your library have a Facebook account?

Question of the day -
Does your library have a Facebook account??