The Geneva Public Library has been awarded a New York State Education Department Public Computer Center grant of $244,517. The grant will fund a two-year program to improve and expand the computer resources the library makes available to the public and to provide computer-skills instruction to area residents. The program will create 3 jobs at the library for two years.
The library plans to add and replace computers, improve its public access services, develop video conferencing, enable its website to be read in Spanish translation as well as English, and provide computer classes for adults. Computer classes and the installation of new equipment are expected to begin this fall.
The jobs created by the grant include a full-time Library Assistant. The position will be responsible for helping to manage the program and provide direct service to the public. The application deadline for this position is July 31, 2010. A part-time Application Training Specialist will be responsible for computer-skills instruction. A part-time Senior Computer Service Assistant will be responsible for technical support of the library's computers. All positions are civil service and require applications to be sent to the Ontario County Human Resources in Canandaigua.
The library is one of 30 libraries in the state to receive a Public Computer Center grant. The grant is part of the New York State’s Broadbandexpress@yourlibrary project to help low-income, unemployed, underemployed, and other vulnerable populations in upstate New York. Broadbandexpress@yourlibrary will provide more than 860 computers in 30 libraries and five mobile training centers across 41 economically distressed upstate New York counties with populations totaling 6,655,824 (2008 census).
The Broadbandexpress@yourlibrary project is being funded by a $9.5 million matching grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce National Telecommunications and Information Administration to expand computer access in public libraries across New York State. The funding is being provided through the Federal American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA), and the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program.
New York State Education Commissioner David Steiner said, "Libraries are vital to our communities and our economy. The increased broadband capacity, training and online resources funded through this grant will provide more New Yorkers with access to essential online information for work, healthcare, education, and citizenship as well as E-government resources."
"What librarians and libraries do everyday is vitally important work," said State Librarian and Assistant Commissioner for Libraries Bernard Margolis. "Yet, even though New Yorkers turn to their public libraries more in difficult economic times, libraries themselves have suffered cuts and reductions to their valuable services. This grant will enable our libraries to continue to do critically important work and to expand the opportunities, education, and services that high speed Internet provides to the unserved and underserved in our communities."
Contact the library at 315-789-5303 for additional information.
Mike Nyerges
Geneva Public Library
244 Main Street
Geneva, NY 14456
Phone: 315-789-5303
Fax: 315-789-9835